

Paul Peter Jacoy v. Her Majesty the Queen

(British Columbia) (Criminal) (As of Right)

Judgments on applications for leave to appeal are rendered by the Court, but are not necessarily unanimous.

Date Proceeding Filed By
(if applicable)
1989-03-14 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, returning court record.
1988-12-08 Judgment on the appeal rendered, CJ B E McI La W LeD LaF L'HD, The appeal is dismissed. Estey and LeDain JJ. took no part in the judgment.
Dismissed, no order as to costs
1988-03-08 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, dated March 02/88 from D. Frankel enclosing additional authorities
1988-01-28 Hearing of the appeal, 1988-01-28, CJ B E McI La W LeD LaF L'HD
Decision reserved
1988-01-21 Book of authorities, , 21 copies of joint book of authorities Her Majesty the Queen
1988-01-21 Respondent's factum, , 21 copies Her Majesty the Queen
1988-01-20 Appeal court record
1987-09-30 Notice of hearing, With service Paul Peter Jacoy
1987-09-17 Appeal hearing scheduled, 1988-01-28
Decision reserved
1987-09-17 Appeal perfected for hearing, Session beginning on 1987-10-01
1987-09-15 Decision on motion to expedite the appeal, (to be heard with Simmons, file #18767), Reg
Granted, no order as to costs
1987-09-15 Hearing of motion to expedite the appeal, 1987-09-15, (to be heard with Simmons, file #18767), Reg
1987-09-15 Submission of motion to expedite the appeal, 1987-09-15, (to be heard with Simmons, file #18767), Reg
1987-09-14 Response to motion to expedite the appeal Her Majesty the Queen
1987-09-14 Motion to expedite the appeal Paul Peter Jacoy
1987-08-25 Appellant's factum, , 21 copies, with service Paul Peter Jacoy
1987-05-29 Certified casebook Paul Peter Jacoy
1987-05-29 Case on appeal, , 21 copies Paul Peter Jacoy
1986-09-24 Notice of appeal Paul Peter Jacoy