

Fédération provinciale des comités de parents v. Attorney General of Manitoba

(Manitoba) (Civil) (Reference)

Judgments on applications for leave to appeal are rendered by the Court, but are not necessarily unanimous.

Date Proceeding Filed By
(if applicable)
1994-07-15 Appeal closed
1993-07-22 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, sent to Court of Appeal of Manitoba, enclosing their record
1993-07-19 Formal judgment sent to the registrar of the court of appeal and all parties, Manitoba (Winnipeg)
1993-07-19 Copy of formal judgment being prepared, Me François Dumaine (Ottawa, ON)
1993-07-19 Copy of formal judgment being prepared, Sous-procureur général du Canada (Ottawa, ON)
1993-07-19 Copy of formal judgment being prepared, Gowling, Strathy & Henderson (Ottawa, ON)
1993-07-19 Copy of formal judgment being prepared, Lang, Michener (Ottawa, ON)
1993-07-19 Copy of formal judgment being prepared, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt (Ottawa, ON)
1993-07-19 Copy of formal judgment being prepared, Johnston, Buchan & Dalfen (Ottawa, ON)
1993-03-04 Judgment on the appeal rendered, Reference Re Public Schools Act (MAN.), S. 79(3), (4) and (7), [1993] 1 S.C.R. 839, CJ LaF L'HD G Co McL Ia, The appeal is allowed.
Allowed, no order as to costs
1993-03-04 Notice of deposit of judgment sent to all parties, Sous-procureur général du Canada (Ottawa, ON)
1993-03-04 Notice of deposit of judgment sent to all parties, Me François Dumaine (Ottawa, ON)
1993-03-04 Notice of deposit of judgment sent to all parties, Johnston, Buchan & Dalfen (Ottawa, ON)
1993-03-04 Notice of deposit of judgment sent to all parties, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt (Ottawa, ON)
1993-03-04 Notice of deposit of judgment sent to all parties, Lang, Michener (Ottawa, ON)
1993-03-04 Notice of deposit of judgment sent to all parties, Gowling, Strathy & Henderson (Ottawa, ON)
1992-12-17 General proceeding, transcripts received and distributed to the judges (174 pages)
1992-12-03 Hearing of the appeal, 1992-12-03, CJ LaF L'HD G Co McL Ia
Decision reserved
1992-12-02 General proceeding, 10 copies of ABRIDGED VERSION CASE ON APPEAL Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-12-01 Order on motion for additional time to present oral argument, Avec signification
1992-12-01 Decision on motion for additional time to present oral argument, for additional to present oral submissions from (1) one hour to (1.5) one and a half hour., Reg
Granted, no order as to costs
1992-12-01 Hearing of motion for additional time to present oral argument, 1992-12-01, for additional to present oral submissions from (1) one hour to (1.5) one and a half hour., Reg
1992-12-01 Submission of motion for additional time to present oral argument, 1992-12-01, for additional to present oral submissions from (1) one hour to (1.5) one and a half hour., Reg
1992-11-30 Affidavit, to wit 1 1/2 hours (of Marva-Jane Smith) Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-11-30 Motion for additional time to present oral argument, to wit 1 1/2 hours Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-11-30 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, of Marva J. Smith to advise the Court that she will appear with Deborah Carlson at the oral hearing. She is also bringing to the attention of the Court of errors in paragraph 13 (page 4) of her factum. A corrected page 4 is attached. (ORIGINAL filed Dec.
1992-11-26 Book of authorities, JOINT INTERVENERS' 10 copies Attorney General of Canada
1992-11-26 Order on miscellaneous motion, to present an oral argument of 10 minutes., avec signification
1992-11-23 General proceeding, corrections in the factum (distributed to CJ, LaF, L'HD, G, Co, McL, I, 92/ 11/25) Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-11-23 Notice of withdrawal, Avec signification Attorney General of New Brunswick
1992-11-20 Book of authorities, 10 copies of vols. 1 to 5 (joint) Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-11-18 Reply factum on appeal, 24 copies (see order of 1992/08/26), avec signification Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-11-09 Proof of service, of the Intervener factum
1992-11-06 Order on miscellaneous motion, accepting the factum as filed without marginal numbering, avec signification
1992-11-05 Decision on miscellaneous motion, for an order accepting the factum as filed without ay marginal numbering,, Reg
Granted, no order as to costs
1992-11-05 Hearing of miscellaneous motion, 1992-11-05, for an order accepting the factum as filed without ay marginal numbering,, Reg
1992-11-05 Submission of miscellaneous motion, 1992-11-05, for an order accepting the factum as filed without ay marginal numbering,, Reg
1992-11-02 Response to miscellaneous motion, for an order accepting the factum of I08 as filed Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-11-02 Response to miscellaneous motion, for an order accepting the factum of I08 as filed Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-11-02 Affidavit, for an order accepting the factum as filed; Eduard J. Van Bemmel Commission nationale des parents francophones
1992-11-02 Notice of miscellaneous motion, for an order accepting the factum as filed Commission nationale des parents francophones
1992-10-29 General proceeding, 24 copies of page 8 to be replaced in the factum Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada
1992-10-26 Intervener's factum, 31 copies, avec signification Conseil jeunesse provincial Inc.
1992-10-23 Intervener's factum, 25 copies in French and 25 copies in English, avec signification Attorney General of Canada
1992-10-23 Intervener's factum, 24 copies, avec signification Société franco-manitobaine
1992-10-23 Intervener's factum, 24 copies Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada
1992-10-23 Intervener's factum, 24 copies (see order dated August 26, 1992) (factum on both languages), avec signification Commissioner of Official Languages for Canada
1992-10-23 Order on motion for leave to intervene, Avec signification
1992-10-22 Notice of withdrawal, Avec signification Attorney General of Newfoundland
1992-10-22 Proof of service, of factum (letterform)
1992-10-20 Decision on miscellaneous motion, for an order to present an oral argument of 10 minutes., Co
Granted, no order as to costs
1992-10-20 Hearing of miscellaneous motion, 1992-10-20, for an order to present an oral argument of 10 minutes., Co
1992-10-20 Submission of miscellaneous motion, 1992-10-20, for an order to present an oral argument of 10 minutes., Co
1992-10-20 Intervener's factum, 24 copies (motion to accept in its present form namely lines not numbered requested), avec signification Commission nationale des parents francophones
1992-10-16 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, of Henry S. Brown Q.C. advising that the Respondent does not consent nor oppose the permission for Société franco-manitobaine to have 10 minutes oral argument
1992-10-16 Response to miscellaneous motion, to make an Oral Argument of 10 minutes Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-10-16 Affidavit, to make an ORAL ARGUMENT of 10 minutes (Georges Druwé), avec signification Société franco-manitobaine
1992-10-16 Notice of miscellaneous motion, to make an ORAL ARGUMENT of 10 minutes, avec signification Société franco-manitobaine
1992-10-13 Book of authorities, 10 copies, avec signification Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-10-13 Respondent's factum, 31 copies, avec signification Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-10-09 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, from Henry S. Bornw; re: neither opposes nor consents to the permission to have 10 minutes for oral argument by Société franco-manitobaine
1992-10-09 Discontinuance of miscellaneous motion, (notice of motion for review dated Oct. 8/92 Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-10-08 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, from Henry S. Bornw; re: motion for an Order setting aside the order of the Registrar
1992-10-08 Notice of miscellaneous motion, for an Order setting aside the Order of the Registrar striking Appendix 1 from the factum proposed to be filed Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-10-07 Decision on miscellaneous motion, Reg, for an order permitting the respondent to file a factum in excess of 40 pages is reserved and later the same day the following is ordered: The respondent is allowed to file it's 52 page factum provided that all references to Appendix 1 "Chronology and Overview of the Record: French instruction in Manitoba" be removed. Repondent's Appendix 1 is disallowed. Factum to be served and filed no later than October 16, 1992.
Granted, no order as to costs
1992-10-07 Hearing of miscellaneous motion, 1992-10-07, Reg
1992-10-07 Submission of miscellaneous motion, 1992-10-07, Reg
1992-10-02 Affidavit, (namely 53 pages) Marva-Jane Smith, avec signification Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-10-02 Motion to file a lengthy factum, (namely 53 pages), avec signification Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-09-30 Appeal hearing scheduled, 1992-12-03
Decision reserved
1992-09-30 Order on motion for leave to intervene, Avec signification
1992-09-17 Order on motion for leave to intervene, Avec signification
1992-09-10 Certified casebook, vol. 1 to 3, 3A, 4 to 19 Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-09-10 Appeal court record, 1 accordion file containing 3 pockets and 1 copy of appellant's factum
1992-09-04 Order on motion to dispense with printing, Avec signification
1992-09-02 Decision on the motion for leave to intervene, and to present oral argument of 10 minutes,, G
Granted, no order as to costs
1992-09-02 Hearing of motion for leave to intervene, 1992-09-02, and to present oral argument of 10 minutes,, G
1992-09-02 Submission of motion for leave to intervene, 1992-09-02, and to present oral argument of 10 minutes,, G
1992-09-01 Response to the motion for leave to intervene, of Conseil jeunesse provincial Inc. (faxed letter) as to file a factum and takes no position on the request for oral argument Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-08-31 Affidavit, (affidavit d'Alain Boucher fait le 26 août 1992), avec signification Conseil jeunesse provincial Inc.
1992-08-28 Agreement as to contents of case, ADDENDUM 23 copies Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-08-28 Appellant's factum, 31 copies (original filed on September 1st, 92), avec signification Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-08-28 Order on miscellaneous motion, to vary filing dates, avec signification
1992-08-26 Response to miscellaneous motion, for an order varying the dates set by Gonthier J. order of June 23/92; 2 copies Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-08-26 Affidavit, for an order varying the dates set by Gonthier J. order of June 23/92; 2 copies; Eduard J. Van Bemmel Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-08-26 Notice of miscellaneous motion, for an order varying the dates set by Gonthier, J order of June 23/92; 2 copies Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-08-26 Decision on miscellaneous motion, G, for an order varying the dates set by the Honourable Mr. Justice Gonthier in his order of June 23, 1992. Appellants factum to be filed by, August, 28, 1992. The respondent's factum is to be filed by October 9, 1992. The interneners factum is to be filed by October 23, 1992, and the replies to new submissions by the interveners is to be filed by November 20, 1992.
Granted, no order as to costs
1992-08-26 Hearing of miscellaneous motion, 1992-08-26, G
1992-08-26 Submission of miscellaneous motion, 1992-08-26, G
1992-08-20 Decision on the motion for leave to intervene, and to present an oral argument limited to 10 minutes,, G
Granted, no order as to costs
1992-08-20 Hearing of motion for leave to intervene, 1992-08-20, and to present an oral argument limited to 10 minutes,, G
1992-08-20 Submission of motion for leave to intervene, 1992-08-20, and to present an oral argument limited to 10 minutes,, G
1992-08-20 Decision on the motion for leave to intervene, and to file a writen argument,, G
Granted, no order as to costs
1992-08-20 Hearing of motion for leave to intervene, 1992-08-20, and to file a writen argument,, G
1992-08-20 Submission of motion for leave to intervene, 1992-08-20, and to file a writen argument,, G
1992-08-20 Decision on the motion for leave to intervene, and to present an oral argument limited to 10 minutes,, G
Granted, no order as to costs
1992-08-20 Hearing of motion for leave to intervene, 1992-08-20, and to present an oral argument limited to 10 minutes,, G
1992-08-20 Submission of motion for leave to intervene, 1992-08-20, and to present an oral argument limited to 10 minutes,, G
1992-08-20 Decision on the motion for leave to intervene, and to present oral argument not to exceed 10 minutes,, G
Granted, no order as to costs
1992-08-20 Hearing of motion for leave to intervene, 1992-08-20, and to present oral argument not to exceed 10 minutes,, G
1992-08-20 Submission of motion for leave to intervene, 1992-08-20, and to present oral argument not to exceed 10 minutes,, G
1992-08-20 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, (by fax) to advise the Court that the original proposed date of November 13, 1992 was ambitious. Assuming that the December 11th date is available, a motion consented to by the Appellant will be brought to re-order the various filing dates in Justice Gont
1992-08-19 Affidavit, of Deborah Louise Carlson sworn the 14th day of August, 1992 re motion for leave to intervene by Conseil jeunesse provincial and Commission nationale des parents francophones (I05 and I08) Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-08-19 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, of Henry S. Brown to advise that the Respondent is opposing the leave to intervene of Conseil jeunesse provincial (I05)
1992-08-19 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, of Henry S. Brown advising that the Respondent does not consent nor oppose the application for leave to intervene of Commission nationale des parents francophones (I08)
1992-08-19 Response to the motion for leave to intervene, of Société franco-manitobaine (I03) (letterform) Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-08-19 Response to the motion for leave to intervene, of Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada (I07) (letterform) Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-08-19 Response to the motion for leave to intervene, of Commissioner of Officials Languages of Canada (I01) (letterform) Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-08-18 Response to the motion for leave to intervene, of la Commission nationale des parents francophones (I08) (letterform) Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-08-18 Affidavit, Deborah Louise Carlson Commission nationale des parents francophones
1992-08-18 Affidavit, Deborah Louise Carlson Conseil jeunesse provincial Inc.
1992-08-18 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, de François Dumaine demandant un temps de 10 minutes pour sa plaidoirie orale si la requête en intervention est acceptée (par fax)
1992-08-17 Order on motion to order that the appeal not be deemed abandoned [s. 695(2) Criminal Code] / Show cause, Avec signification
1992-08-17 Order on motion to state a constitutional question
1992-08-14 Response to the motion for leave to intervene Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-08-14 Affidavit, (affidavit souscrit par Monsieur Raymond Bisson, en date du 12 août 1992) Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada
1992-08-14 Motion for leave to intervene Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada
1992-08-14 Notice of intervention respecting a constitutional question Attorney General of New Brunswick
1992-08-13 Response to the motion for leave to intervene, Avec signification Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-08-13 Affidavit, (affidavit d'Alain Boucher fait le 11 août 1992), avec signification Conseil jeunesse provincial Inc.
1992-08-13 Motion for leave to intervene Conseil jeunesse provincial Inc.
1992-08-13 Notice of intervention respecting a constitutional question, Avec signification Attorney General of Newfoundland
1992-08-12 Response to the motion for leave to intervene, of Société franco-manitobaine, avec signification Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-08-12 Affidavit, (affidavit souscrit par Monsieur Georges Druwé, le 1er août 1992), avec signification Société franco-manitobaine
1992-08-12 Motion for leave to intervene, Avec signification Société franco-manitobaine
1992-08-11 General proceeding, Exposé des points de droit pour la requête en intervention Commission nationale des parents francophones
1992-08-11 Affidavit, (de Paul Charbonneau) Commission nationale des parents francophones
1992-08-11 Motion for leave to intervene Commission nationale des parents francophones
1992-08-10 Order on motion to extend time, to serve and file the Case on Appeal., avec signification
1992-08-06 Notice of hearing, Avec signification Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-08-05 Decision on motion to extend time, to serve and file the Case on Appeal to Aug\4\1992, L'HD
Granted, no order as to costs
1992-08-05 Hearing of motion to extend time, 1992-08-05, to serve and file the Case on Appeal to Aug\4\1992, L'HD
1992-08-05 Submission of motion to extend time, 1992-08-05, to serve and file the Case on Appeal to Aug\4\1992, L'HD
1992-08-04 Proof of service, of the Case on Appeal
1992-08-04 Response to motion to extend time, to file the Case on Appeal to Aug. 4/92 Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-08-04 Affidavit, to file the Case on Appeal to Aug. 4/92; Martha Healey, avec signification Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-08-04 Motion to extend time, to file the Case on Appeal to Aug. 4/92, avec signification Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-08-04 Case on appeal, 24 copies of vols. 1 to 3, 3A, 4 to 19 Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-07-30 Notice of intervention respecting a constitutional question, (1 copy in French and 1 in English), avec signification Attorney General of Canada
1992-07-28 Response to motion to dispense with printing, of the Case on Appeal Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-07-28 Affidavit, of the Case on Appeal; Gilbert Savard, avec signification Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-07-28 Motion to dispense with printing, of the Case on Appeal, avec signification Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-07-27 Decision on motion to dispense with printing, Ia
Granted, no order as to costs
1992-07-27 Hearing of motion to dispense with printing, 1992-07-27, Ia
1992-07-27 Submission of motion to dispense with printing, 1992-07-27, Ia
1992-07-21 Response to motion to dispense with printing, of the Case on Appeal by including only those documents and evidence as agreed to between the parties Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-07-21 Affidavit, of the Case on Appeal by including only those documents and evidence as agreed to between the parties Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-07-21 Motion to dispense with printing, of the Case on Appeal including only those documents and evidence as agreed to between the the parties Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-07-08 Notice of constitutional question(s), Avec signification Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-07-06 Order on motion to state a constitutional question, Avec signification
1992-06-23 Appeal perfected for hearing, Session beginning on 1992-10-05, (Tentative date Nov.13/92)
1992-06-23 Decision on the motion to state a constitutional question, G, For Constitutional Questions see file or Reg's Red Book #8 @ p.355. Intentions of interventions by A.G.'s Aug.14/92. The following filing requirements are ordered: Case on appeal July 27, 1992. Applications for leave to intervene Aug.14, 1992. Appellant's factum Aug.21, 1992. Respondent factum Sept.25, 1992. Intervenors' factum Oct.8, 1992. Reply factum if any Oct.16, 1992.
Granted, no order as to costs
1992-06-23 Hearing of the motion to state a constitutional question, 1992-06-23, G
1992-06-23 Submission of motion to state a constitutional question, 1992-06-23, G
1992-06-23 Decision on motion for an order that the appeal not be deemed abandoned [s. 695(2) Criminal Code] / Show Cause, G
Granted, no order as to costs
1992-06-23 Hearing of motion for an order that the appeal not be deemed abandoned [s. 695(2) Criminal Code] / Show Cause, 1992-06-23, G
1992-06-23 Submission of motion for an order that the appeal not be deemed abandoned [s. 695(2) Criminal Code] / Show Cause, 1992-06-23, G
1992-06-23 Decision on motion to dismiss the appeal for want of prosecution, G
Dismissed, no order as to costs
1992-06-23 Hearing of motion to dismiss the appeal for want of prosecution submitted, 1992-06-23, G
1992-06-23 Submission of motion to dismiss the appeal for want of prosecution, 1992-06-23, G
1992-06-22 Affidavit, of Gérard Lécuyer fait le 22 juin 1992 (2 copies), avec signification Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-06-19 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, from Fillmore & Riley; re: Manitoba Association of School Trustees will not be taking a position on the appeal; would appreciate receiving a copy of any Order
1992-06-19 Affidavit, Supplementary affidavit of John David Carlyle (1 original copy) (copies of this affidavit in motion book), avec signification Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-06-19 Motion to dismiss the appeal for want of prosecution, (motion book form) 2 copies, avec signification Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-06-17 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, (fax) dated June 17, 1992 from R.A. Simpson (Re: confirm that Manitoba Association of School Trustees will not be taking a position on the appeal).
1992-06-16 Discontinuance of motion to extend time, to inscribe the appeal for hearing filed on 1992/01/22 (see new motion of June 12, 1992), avec signification Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-06-15 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, dated June 10, 1992 from Gowling (Re: The A.G. of Manitoba has been advised that the Société Franco-Manitobaine will plea the motion in french, and therefore requests simultaneous translation.
1992-06-12 Motion to extend time, 3 copies du mémoire de l'appelante (motion book), avec signification Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-06-12 Motion to extend time, 3 copies of MEMOIRE DE L'APPELANTE (motion book), avec signification Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-06-12 Affidavit, of Gérard Lécuyer with a certificate of the decision of the Court of Appeal of Manitoba (in motion book), avec signification Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-06-12 Motion to state a constitutional question, (motion book) 3 copies, avec signification Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-06-12 Affidavit, (motion book) of Gérard Lécuyer 3 copies, avec signification Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-06-12 Motion for an order that the appeal not be deemed abandoned [s. 695(2) Criminal Code] / Show cause, (motion book) 3 copies, avec signification Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-06-12 Response to the motion for leave to intervene, du Commissaire aux langues officielles Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-05-22 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, (by fax) from Gowling; re: that the motion to intervene of the Commissioner of Official Languages of Canada be adjourned sine die until the motion to dismiss is determined
1992-05-21 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, (by fax) from L.J. Roy; re: secure the consent of Marva Smith of the provincial Dept. of Justice to set over the motion in the week of June 22
1992-05-21 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, from Gowling; re: consent to adjourn their motion to dismiss this appeal for want of prosecution to the week of June 22/92
1992-05-20 Affidavit, (of Victor C. Goldbloom) 1 copy in english and 1 copie en français, avec signification Commissioner of Official Languages for Canada
1992-05-20 Motion for leave to intervene, 1 copy in english and 1 copie en français, avec signification Commissioner of Official Languages for Canada
1992-05-15 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, de Warren J. Newman avisant que la Procureure générale du Canada n'a pas l'intension d'interveni r au stade des requêtes pour prorogation de délai et pour rejet d'appel
1992-05-13 Notice of change of counsel, (Ottawa agents) to Gowling, avec signification Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-05-13 Motion to dismiss the appeal for want of prosecution, Avec signification Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-05-06 Service, (letterform) (original) of the affidavit of John David Carlyle (along with 2 other acknowledgements )
1992-05-04 Service, (letterform) of the affidavit of John David Carlyle (along with 2 other acknowledgements)
1992-04-24 Affidavit, to inscribe the appeal for hearing (of John David Carlyle) IN RESPONSE of motion filed 1992/01/22, avec signification Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-04-24 Affidavit, ***entered in error*** Attorney General of Manitoba
1992-04-10 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, (by fax) from Patricia J. Wilson; re: A.G. Manitoba requested a further two weeks to complete settlement discussions
1992-04-01 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, (fax) dated April 1, 1992 from Patricia Wilson (Re: Settlement discussions)
1992-02-12 General proceeding, (TO NOTE) parties have agreed to postpone the special motion for a couple of weeks pending a response by the A.G. of Manitoba
1992-02-11 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, from Teffaine, Labossière; re: consents to the inscription of the appeal for hearing
1992-02-11 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, from Johnston & Buchan; re: consents to the motion to inscribe the appeal for hearing
1992-01-22 Affidavit, to inscribe the appeal for hearing (of Gérard Lecuyer), avec signification Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1992-01-22 Motion to extend time, to inscribe the appeal for hearing (2 copies), avec signification Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1991-12-05 Proof of service, (Canada Post acknowledgement of Receipt Card) filed. Item delivered on Nov 29, 1991 to Mr. R.J. Buchan c/o Johnston & Buchan (Ottawa,ON)
1991-12-05 Proof of service, (Canada Post acknowledgement of Receipt Card) filed. Item delivered on Dec 3, 1991 to Me M. Bastarache c/o Teffaine, Labossière (Wpg,MN)
1991-12-05 Proof of service, (Canada Post acknowledgement of Reciept Card) filed. Item delivered on Dec 3, 1991 to Mr. M.J. Smith (Wpg,MN)
1991-12-05 Proof of service, (Canada Post Acknowledgement of Receipt Card) filed. Item delivered on Dec 3, 1991 to Me L.J. Roy c/o Monk, Goodwin (Wpg,MN)
1991-12-05 Proof of service, (Canada Post acknowledgement of Receipt Card) filed. Item delivered on Dec 3, 1991 to Mr. R. Lafrenière c/o Dept. of Justice (Wpg,MN)
1991-12-05 Proof of service, (Canada Post acknowledgement of Receipt Card) filed. Item delivered on Dec 3, 1991 to Mr. R.A. Simpson c/o Fillmore & Riley (Wpg,MN)
1991-11-27 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, (Double Registered) sent to Mr. R.A. Simpson c/o Fillmore & Riley (Wpg,MN) advising that due to an error in mail processing, we are required to serve new notices pursuant to Rule 45. - On Feb. 26, 1990 a notice of appeal was filed. No formal action or pr
1991-11-27 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, (Double Registered) sent to Mr. R.J. Buchan c/o Johnston & Buchan (Ottawa,ON) advising that due to an error in mail processing, we are required to serve new notices pursuant to Rule 45. - On Feb. 26, 1990 a notice of appeal was filed. No formal action or
1991-11-27 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, (Double Registered) sent to Mr. R. Lafrenière c/o Dept. of Justice (Wpg,MN) advising that due to an error in mail processing, we are required to serve new notices. On Feb. 26, 1990 a notice of appeal was filed. No formal action or proceeding has been ta
1991-11-27 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, (Recommandé - A.R.) envoyée à Me L.J. Roy a/s Monk, Goodwin (Wpg,MN) aviser que le 26 février 1990, l'appelante a déposé un avis d'appel. Ni l'appelante ni l'intimée n'ont entrepris d'autres démarches ou procédures depuis le 7 mars 1990. Si l'appel n'es
1991-11-27 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, (Recommandé - A.R.) envoyée à Me L.J. Roy a/s Monk, Goodwin (Wpg,MN) aviser une erreur commise dans le traitement du courrier. Signifier de nouveaux avis en application de l'art. 45 des règles.
1991-11-27 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, (Double Registered) sent to Mr. M.J. Smith (Wpg,MN) indicating that on Feb. 26, 1990 a notice of appeal was filed. No formal action or proceeding has been taken, either by the Appelant or Respondent since March 7, 1990. If the appeal is not inscribed fo
1991-11-27 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, (Double Registered) sent to Mr. M.J. Smith (Wpg,MN) advising that du to an error in mail processing, we are required to serve new notices pursuan to Rule 45. Copy sent to McCarthy, Tétrault
1991-11-27 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, (recommand'e - A.R.) envoyée à Me L.J. Roy a/s Monk, Goodwin (Wpg,MN) aviser que le 26 février 1990, l'appelante a déposé un avis d'appel. Ni l'appelante ni l'intimé n'ont entrepris d'autres démarches ou procédures depuis le 7 mars 1990. Si l'appel n'es
1991-11-27 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, envoyée à Me L.J. Roy a/s Monk, Goodwin (Wpg,MN) aviser une erreur commise dans le traitement du courrier. Signifier de nouveaux avis en application de l'art. 45 des règles.
1991-11-27 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, envoyée à Me M. Bastarache a/s Teffaine, Labossière (Wpg,MN) aviser que le 26 février 1990, l'appelante a déposé un avis d'appel. Ni l'appelante ni l'intimé n'ont entrepris d'autres démarches ou procédures depuis le 7 mars 1990. Si l'appel n'est pas ins
1991-11-27 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, envoyée à Me M. Bastarache a/s Teffaine, Labossière (Wpg,MN) aviser une erreur commise dans le traitement du courrier. Signifier de nouveaux avis en application de l'art. 45 des règles.
1991-11-20 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, from Jean-Charles Ducharme; objet: aucune pièce de procédure à déposer à ce stade-ci
1991-11-13 Proof of service, (Canada Post acknowledgment of Receipt Card) filed. Item delivered on Nov 4, 1991 to Mr. R. Lafrenière c/o Dept. of Justice (Wpg,MN)
1991-11-13 Proof of service, (Canada Post acknowledgement of Receipt Card) filed. Item delivered on Nov 4, 1991 to Mr. M.J. Smith (Wpg,MN)
1991-11-13 Proof of service, (Canada Post acknowledgement of Receipt Card) filed. Item delivered on Nov 5, 1991 to Me M. Bastarache c/o Teffaine Labossière (Wpg,MN).
1991-11-13 Proof of service, (Canada Post acknowledgment of Receipt Card) filed. Item delivered on Nov 4, 1991 to Me L.J. Roy c/o Monk, Goodwin (Wpg,MN).
1991-11-13 Proof of service, (Canada Post acknowledgment of Receipt Card) filed. Item delivered on Nov 4, 1991 to Me L.J. Roy c/o Monk, Goodwin (Wpg,MN)
1991-11-08 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, fr. David Frayer re: redirecting mail to Ottawa office
1991-11-04 Proof of service, (Canada Post acknowledgement of Receipt Card) filed. Item delivered on Nov 4, 1991 to Mr. D. Frayer, Q.C. c/o Dept. of Justice (Wpg,MN)
1991-10-29 Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, (Double Registered) from A. Roland sent to Mr. M.J. Smith (Winnipeg,MN) advising that no formal action or proceeding has been taken, either by the Appellant or the Respondent, since March 7, 1990, when the Appellant filed a notice of deposit of security.
1990-03-07 Notice of deposit of security, bank receipt #2123, avec signification
1990-03-01 Notice of deposit of security
1990-03-01 $500 security deposit paid, receipt #2123 Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1990-02-26 $30.00 filing fee, receipt #16672 Fédération provinciale des comités de parents
1990-02-26 Notice of appeal, Avec signification Fédération provinciale des comités de parents