Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society, et al. v. Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada
(Nova Scotia) (Criminal) (As of Right)
Judgments on applications for leave to appeal are rendered by the Court, but are not necessarily unanimous.
Date | Proceeding | Filed By (if applicable) |
1997-09-09 | Appeal closed | |
1992-10-16 | Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, sent to Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, Appeal Div., (Halifax,NS) Re: Lower Court records sent back. | |
1992-08-20 | Formal judgment sent to the registrar of the court of appeal and all parties, Nova Scotia (Halifax) | |
1992-08-20 | Copy of formal judgment being prepared, Soloway, Wright, Houston & Associates (Ottawa,ON) | |
1992-08-20 | Copy of formal judgment being prepared, Gowling, Strathy & Henderson (Ottawa,ON) | |
1992-08-20 | Copy of formal judgment being prepared, The Deputy Attorney General of Canada (Ottawa,ON) | |
1992-08-20 | Copy of formal judgment being prepared, Beament, Green, York, Manton (Ottawa,ON) | |
1992-08-20 | Copy of formal judgment being prepared, McCarthy, Tétrault (Ottawa,ON) | |
1992-07-09 | Notice of deposit of judgment sent to all parties, McCarthy, Tétrault (Ottawa,ON) | |
1992-07-09 | Notice of deposit of judgment sent to all parties, Beament, Green, York, Manton (Ottawa,ON) | |
1992-07-09 | Notice of deposit of judgment sent to all parties, Gowling, Strathy & Henderson (Ottawa,ON) | |
1992-07-09 | Notice of deposit of judgment sent to all parties, Soloway, Wright, Houston & Associates (Ottawa,ON) | |
1992-07-09 | Notice of deposit of judgment sent to all parties, The Deputy Attorney General of Canada (Ottawa,ON) | |
1992-07-09 | Judgment on the appeal rendered, CJ LaF L'HD So G Co Ia, The appeal is dismissed. Dismissed, no order as to costs |
1991-12-20 | General proceeding, Transcripts received (215.pgs) & distributed to the justices. | |
1991-12-04 | Hearing of the appeal, 1991-12-04, CJ LaF L'HD So G Co Ia Decision reserved |
1991-12-02 | Book of authorities, 10 copies, with service | Attorney General for Ontario |
1991-11-25 | Book of authorities, 10 copies | Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada |
1991-11-25 | Intervener's factum, 24 copies, with service | Attorney General for Ontario |
1991-11-21 | Book of authorities, 10 copies, with service | Association québécoise des pharmaciens propriétaires |
1991-11-21 | Intervener's factum, 24 copies of ENGLISH VERSION, with service | Association québécoise des pharmaciens propriétaires |
1991-11-20 | Book of authorities, 10 copies | Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society |
1991-10-17 | Intervener's factum, 24 copies (returned for corrections 18-10-91 - returned from corrections 28-10-91), with service | Association québécoise des pharmaciens propriétaires |
1991-10-11 | Appellant's factum, responding to the RESPONDENT'S NOTICE OF INTENTION (see Order of Gonthier dated July 25, 1991), with service | Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society |
1991-10-10 | Service, of Intervener's Factum | |
1991-10-04 | Intervener's factum, 23 copies | Attorney General of Alberta |
1991-10-02 | Appeal hearing scheduled, 1991-12-04 Decision reserved |
1991-09-18 | Service, copy of respondent's factum | |
1991-09-18 | Order on motion for additional time to present oral argument, namely one full day,, with service | |
1991-09-16 | Decision on motion for additional time to present oral argument, namely one full day,, CJ Granted, no order as to costs |
1991-09-16 | Hearing of motion for additional time to present oral argument, 1991-09-16, namely one full day,, CJ | |
1991-09-16 | Submission of motion for additional time to present oral argument, 1991-09-16, namely one full day,, CJ | |
1991-09-13 | Respondent's factum, 21 copies | Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada |
1991-09-09 | Notice of hearing, With service | Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society |
1991-09-09 | Affidavit, Stephen J. Grace, with service | Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society |
1991-09-09 | Motion for additional time to present oral argument, With service | Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society |
1991-08-27 | Appeal perfected for hearing, Session beginning on 1991-10-01 | |
1991-08-23 | Order on motion to extend time, " Order applies to intervenors 1 to 21 ", with service | |
1991-08-23 | Order on motion for leave to intervene, " Order applies to intervenors 1 to 21", with service | |
1991-08-16 | Notice of intervention respecting a constitutional question, With service | Attorney General for Ontario |
1991-08-15 | Appeal court record, 1 accordion file | |
1991-08-15 | Correspondence (sent by the Court) to, de Madeleine Renaud indiquant que les parties en sont venu à une entente pour la production du mémoire des interveants soit le 1er octobre 1991, i.e. une semaine après la production du mémoire supplémentaire des appelants | |
1991-08-13 | Service, of Case on Appeal | |
1991-08-12 | Appellant's factum, 21 copies, with service | Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society |
1991-08-09 | Notice of intervention respecting a constitutional question, With service | Attorney General of Alberta |
1991-07-30 | Decision on the motion for leave to intervene, L'HD Granted, no order as to costs |
1991-07-30 | Hearing of motion for leave to intervene, 1991-07-30, L'HD | |
1991-07-30 | Submission of motion for leave to intervene, 1991-07-30, L'HD | |
1991-07-30 | Decision on motion to extend time, for leave to intervene (applies to intervenors 1 to 21) to July/30/91., L'HD Granted, no order as to costs |
1991-07-30 | Hearing of motion to extend time, 1991-07-30, for leave to intervene (applies to intervenors 1 to 21) to July/30/91., L'HD | |
1991-07-30 | Submission of motion to extend time, 1991-07-30, for leave to intervene (applies to intervenors 1 to 21) to July/30/91., L'HD | |
1991-07-30 | Hearing of motion for leave to intervene, 1991-07-30, (motion applies to intervenors 01 to 21) and to file a factum not exceeding 30 pages and also an oral argument no longer than 30 minutes, Decision reserved |
1991-07-30 | Submission of motion for leave to intervene, 1991-07-30, (motion applies to intervenors 01 to 21) and to file a factum not exceeding 30 pages and also an oral argument no longer than 30 minutes, Decision reserved |
1991-07-30 | Motion to extend time, to file a motion for leave to intervene (see motion filed July 19, 1991) | B. Mayrand Inc. |
1991-07-30 | Affidavit, (see affidavit filed July 19, 1991) | B. Mayrand Inc. |
1991-07-30 | Motion for leave to intervene, (amended motion of July 19, 1991 to add a party) | B. Mayrand Inc. |
1991-07-26 | Order on miscellaneous motion, to accept case on appeal in its present form. | |
1991-07-25 | Certified casebook, vol. 1 to 4, with service | Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society |
1991-07-25 | Case on appeal, 20 copies of vol. 1 to 4 | Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society |
1991-07-25 | Order on miscellaneous motion, for directions concerning factums | |
1991-07-25 | Decision on miscellaneous motion, for an order for directions with respect to the preparation of factums (for decision see file or Reg's Red Bk #8 @ p.171.), G Granted, no order as to costs |
1991-07-25 | Hearing of miscellaneous motion, 1991-07-25, for an order for directions with respect to the preparation of factums (for decision see file or Reg's Red Bk #8 @ p.171.), G | |
1991-07-25 | Submission of miscellaneous motion, 1991-07-25, for an order for directions with respect to the preparation of factums (for decision see file or Reg's Red Bk #8 @ p.171.), G | |
1991-07-25 | Decision on miscellaneous motion, for an order accepting the case on appeal in its present form., G Granted, no order as to costs |
1991-07-25 | Hearing of miscellaneous motion, 1991-07-25, for an order accepting the case on appeal in its present form., G | |
1991-07-25 | Submission of miscellaneous motion, 1991-07-25, for an order accepting the case on appeal in its present form., G | |
1991-07-24 | Affidavit, to accept the Case Book as printed with the printed pages facing on the right, with service | Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society |
1991-07-24 | Notice of miscellaneous motion, to accept the Case Book as printed with the printe d pages facing on the right, with service | Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society |
1991-07-24 | Notice of miscellaneous motion, for an order for directions with respect to the preparation of factums | Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society |
1991-07-19 | Motion to extend time, to file a motion for leave to intervene, with service | Jean-Guy Prud'homme |
1991-07-19 | Affidavit, With service | Jean-Guy Prud'homme |
1991-07-19 | Motion for leave to intervene, With service | Jean-Guy Prud'homme |
1991-07-19 | Motion to extend time, to file a motion for leave to intervene, with service | Guy-Marie Papillon |
1991-07-19 | Affidavit, With service | Guy-Marie Papillon |
1991-07-19 | Motion for leave to intervene, With service | Guy-Marie Papillon |
1991-07-19 | Motion to extend time, to file a motion for leave to intervene, with service | Michel Lesieur |
1991-07-19 | Affidavit, With service | Michel Lesieur |
1991-07-19 | Motion for leave to intervene, With service | Michel Lesieur |
1991-07-19 | Motion to extend time, to file a motion for leave to intervene, with service | Guy Lanoue |
1991-07-19 | Affidavit, With service | Guy Lanoue |
1991-07-19 | Motion for leave to intervene, With service | Guy Lanoue |
1991-07-19 | Motion to extend time, to file a motion for leave to intervene, with service | Claude Gagnon |
1991-07-19 | Affidavit, With service | Claude Gagnon |
1991-07-19 | Motion for leave to intervene, With service | Claude Gagnon |
1991-07-19 | Motion to extend time, to file a motion for leave to intervene, with service | François-Jean Coutu |
1991-07-19 | Affidavit, With service | François-Jean Coutu |
1991-07-19 | Motion for leave to intervene, With service | François-Jean Coutu |
1991-07-19 | Motion to extend time, to file a motion for leave to intervene, with service | Pierre Bossé |
1991-07-19 | Affidavit, With service | Pierre Bossé |
1991-07-19 | Motion for leave to intervene, With service | Pierre Bossé |
1991-07-19 | Motion to extend time, to file a motion for leave to intervene, with service | Uniprix Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Affidavit, With service | Uniprix Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Motion for leave to intervene, With service | Uniprix Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Motion to extend time, to file a motion for leave to intervene, with service | Superpharm (Montréal) Ltd. |
1991-07-19 | Affidavit, With service | Superpharm (Montréal) Ltd. |
1991-07-19 | Motion for leave to intervene, With service | Superpharm (Montréal) Ltd. |
1991-07-19 | Motion to extend time, to file a motion for leave to intervene, with service | Super Escompte Brouillet Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Affidavit, With service | Super Escompte Brouillet Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Motion for leave to intervene, With service | Super Escompte Brouillet Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Motion to extend time, to file a motion for leave to intervene, with service | McMahon Essaim Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Affidavit, With service | McMahon Essaim Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Motion for leave to intervene, With service | McMahon Essaim Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Motion to extend time, to file a motion for leave to intervene, with service | Magasins Koffler de l'Est Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Affidavit, With service | Magasins Koffler de l'Est Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Motion for leave to intervene, With service | Magasins Koffler de l'Est Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Motion to extend time, to file a motion for leave to intervene, with service | Groupe pharmaceutique Focus Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Affidavit, With service | Groupe pharmaceutique Focus Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Motion for leave to intervene, With service | Groupe pharmaceutique Focus Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Motion to extend time, to file a motion for leave to intervene, with service | Le Groupe Jean Coutu (P.J.C.) Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Affidavit, With service | Le Groupe Jean Coutu (P.J.C.) Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Motion for leave to intervene, With service | Le Groupe Jean Coutu (P.J.C.) Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Motion to extend time, to file a motion for leave to intervene, with service | Famili-Prix Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Affidavit, With service | Famili-Prix Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Motion for leave to intervene, With service | Famili-Prix Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Motion to extend time, to file a motion for leave to intervene, with service | Escompte Chez Lafortune Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Affidavit, With service | Escompte Chez Lafortune Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Motion for leave to intervene, With service | Escompte Chez Lafortune Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Motion to extend time, to file a motion for leave to intervene, with service | Entreprises Norpharm Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Affidavit, With service | Entreprises Norpharm Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Motion for leave to intervene, With service | Entreprises Norpharm Inc. |
1991-07-19 | Motion to extend time, to file a motion for leave to intervene, with service | Kane's Super Drugmart Corp. Ltd. |
1991-07-19 | Affidavit, With service | Kane's Super Drugmart Corp. Ltd. |
1991-07-19 | Motion for leave to intervene, With service | Kane's Super Drugmart Corp. Ltd. |
1991-07-19 | Motion to extend time, to file a motion for leave to intervene, with service | Cumberland Drugs (Merivale) Ltd. |
1991-07-19 | Affidavit, With service | Cumberland Drugs (Merivale) Ltd. |
1991-07-19 | Motion for leave to intervene, With service | Cumberland Drugs (Merivale) Ltd. |
1991-07-19 | Motion to extend time, to file a motion to intervene, with service | Association québécoise des pharmaciens propriétaires |
1991-07-19 | Affidavit | Association québécoise des pharmaciens propriétaires |
1991-07-19 | Motion for leave to intervene | Association québécoise des pharmaciens propriétaires |
1991-07-18 | Notice of constitutional question(s), With service | Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society |
1991-07-17 | Order on motion to state a constitutional question | |
1991-07-11 | Decision on the motion to state a constitutional question, (for Constitutional Questions see file or Reg's Red Bk #8 @ p.164. Interventions by Aug. 16/91.), CJ Granted, no order as to costs |
1991-07-11 | Hearing of the motion to state a constitutional question, 1991-07-11, (for Constitutional Questions see file or Reg's Red Bk #8 @ p.164. Interventions by Aug. 16/91.), CJ | |
1991-07-11 | Submission of motion to state a constitutional question, 1991-07-11, (for Constitutional Questions see file or Reg's Red Bk #8 @ p.164. Interventions by Aug. 16/91.), CJ | |
1991-07-04 | General proceeding, 2 copies of memorandum of the respondent on motion to settle constitutional questions, with service | Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada |
1991-07-04 | General proceeding, 2 copies of memorandum of appellants for motion to define constitutional questions, with service | Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society |
1991-06-25 | Notice of cross appeal, With service | Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada |
1991-06-20 | Motion to state a constitutional question, With service | Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society |
1991-06-20 | Notice of constitutional question(s), **Entered in error**, with service | Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society |
1991-05-23 | $30.00 filing fee, receipt #22640 | Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society |
1991-05-23 | Notice of appeal, With service | Nova Scotia Pharmaceutical Society |
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