RJR - MacDonald Inc. c. Procureur général du Canada
(Québec) (Civile) (Autorisation)
Les jugements sur les demandes d’autorisation d’appel sont rendus par la Cour, mais ne sont pas nécessairement unanimes.
Date | Procédure | Document déposé par (si applicable) |
1995-11-12 | Appel fermé | |
1995-11-10 | Dossier retourné au registraire de la Cour d'appel | |
1995-11-08 | Chèque Objet: Paiement, chq #2201-03220733 paid to McMaster, Meighen dated Nov 3/95 | |
1995-10-24 | Ordonnance de paiement approuvée, cheque to be made out to McMaster, Meighen & to be sent to Gowling, Strathy & Henderson, sent to Finance Oct 27/95 | |
1995-10-04 | Copie du jugement formel en voie de préparation, Burke-Robertson | |
1995-10-04 | Copie du jugement formel en voie de préparation, A.G. of Canada (Ottawa, ON) | |
1995-10-04 | Copie du jugement formel en voie de préparation, Raven, Jewitt, Allen (Ottawa, ON) | |
1995-10-04 | Copie du jugement formel en voie de préparation, Gowling, Strathy & Henderson (Ottawa, ON) | |
1995-10-03 | Jugement formel envoyé au registraire de la cour d'appel et toutes les parties, Quebec (Montreal) | |
1995-09-22 | Avis de dépôt du jugement envoyé à toutes les parties, Burke-Robertson | |
1995-09-22 | Avis de dépôt du jugement envoyé à toutes les parties, A.G. of Canada (Ottawa, ON) | |
1995-09-22 | Avis de dépôt du jugement envoyé à toutes les parties, Raven, Jewitt, Allen (Ottawa, ON) | |
1995-09-22 | Avis de dépôt du jugement envoyé à toutes les parties, Gowling, Strathy & Henderson (Ottawa, ON) | |
1995-09-21 | Jugement rendu sur l'appel, JC LaF L'HD So G Co McL Ia Ma Accueilli, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens |
1995-09-21 | Audition de l'appel, 1995-09-21, JC LaF L'HD So G Co McL Ia Ma | |
1995-09-21 | Audition d'appel mise au rôle, 1995-09-21 | |
1995-09-21 | Jugement rendu sur l'appel | |
1994-12-13 | Divers, transcripts received and distributed to the judges (304 pages) (joint with 23490) | |
1994-11-29 | Audition de l'appel, 1994-11-29 Décision en délibéré |
1994-11-28 | Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from C. Joyal to M. Larmour re: names of counsel appearing at the hearing of the appeal | |
1994-11-28 | Documentation supplémentaire, Case on appeal; 15 copies vols. 1 to 2 | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1994-11-25 | Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from Gowling, Strathy re: duration of argument | |
1994-11-24 | Divers, to note 10 copies of COMPENDIUM OF THE INTERVENERS, with service | Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada |
1994-11-23 | Recueil de sources, JOINT (with A.G. of Quebec) 10 copies, with service | Procureur général de l'Ontario |
1994-11-23 | Recueil de sources, 10 copies, with service | Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada |
1994-11-23 | Recueil de sources, JOINT 10 copies of vol. I to III (joint with 23490 | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1994-11-23 | Divers, to note 10 copies of JOINT BOOK OF DOCTRINE | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1994-11-22 | Mémoire en réplique sur un appel, 25 copies, with service | Procureur général du Canada |
1994-11-22 | Recueil de sources, 10 copies of ACTS AND REGULATIONS, with service | Procureur général du Canada |
1994-11-21 | Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, of Claude Joyal (by fax) with a list of errors in annexes of his factum, sent to CJ LaF L'HD So G Co McL I Ma, Nov 23/94 | |
1994-11-14 | Mémoire en réplique sur un appel, 24 copies (joint with 23490), with service | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1994-11-10 | Ordonnance sur requête en prorogation de délai, to file the factum to Oct 27/94 | |
1994-11-10 | Décision sur requête en prorogation de délai, to file the factum to Oct 27/94, Reg Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens |
1994-11-10 | Audition de requête en prorogation de délai, 1994-11-10, to file the factum to Oct 27/94, Reg | |
1994-11-10 | Présentation de requête en prorogation de délai, 1994-11-10, to file the factum to Oct 27/94, Reg | |
1994-11-09 | Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) from Claude Joyal; re: at the hearing he will refer to volumes 1 to 20, sent to CJ LaF L'HD So G Co McL I Ma, Nov 15/94 | |
1994-11-08 | Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, of Sylvie Roussel re duration of argument | |
1994-11-07 | Réponse à requête en prorogation de délai, to file the Mis-en-cause A.G. of Québec factum (letterform) | Procureur général du Canada |
1994-11-03 | Décision sur requête pour déposer un mémoire en réplique sur appel, 1. The motion to file a joint reply factum is allowed subject to modifying paragraph 11 of the submitted factum so as to refer only to the record 2. The respondent, the A.G. of Canada, serve and file its reply no later than Nov. 14/94, Ia Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens |
1994-11-03 | Audition de requête pour déposer un mémoire en réplique sur appel, 1994-11-03, 1. The motion to file a joint reply factum is allowed subject to modifying paragraph 11 of the submitted factum so as to refer only to the record 2. The respondent, the A.G. of Canada, serve and file its reply no later than Nov. 14/94, Ia | |
1994-11-03 | Présentation de requête pour déposer un mémoire en réplique sur appel, 1994-11-03, 1. The motion to file a joint reply factum is allowed subject to modifying paragraph 11 of the submitted factum so as to refer only to the record 2. The respondent, the A.G. of Canada, serve and file its reply no later than Nov. 14/94, Ia | |
1994-11-01 | Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from C. Joyal to Colin Irving re: commentaires sur le par. 11 du projet de réplique (fax copy) - joint with 23490 | |
1994-11-01 | Divers, 1 copy of APPELLANT'S JOINT REPLY FACTUM (DRAFT) (joint with 23490) | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1994-10-27 | Affidavit, to file the mis-en-cause factum to Oct. 27/94 (of Alain Gingras), with service | Procureur général du Québec |
1994-10-27 | Requête en prorogation de délai, to file the mis-en-cause factum to Oct. 27/94, with service | Procureur général du Québec |
1994-10-27 | Autre mémoire, 24 copies (joint with 23490), with service | Procureur général du Québec |
1994-10-25 | Ordonnance sur requête diverse, to accept interveners I01 I02 I03 I04 I10 factum in its present form without marginal numbers | |
1994-10-25 | Décision sur requête diverse, motion made on behalf of I01 I02 I03 I04 I10 for an order that the factum be accepted as filed, namely no marginal lining, Reg Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens |
1994-10-25 | Audition de requête diverse, 1994-10-25, motion made on behalf of I01 I02 I03 I04 I10 for an order that the factum be accepted as filed, namely no marginal lining, Reg | |
1994-10-25 | Présentation de requête diverse, 1994-10-25, motion made on behalf of I01 I02 I03 I04 I10 for an order that the factum be accepted as filed, namely no marginal lining, Reg | |
1994-10-24 | Audition d'appel mise au rôle, 1994-11-29 Décision en délibéré Accueilli, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens |
1994-10-21 | Réponse à requête diverse, (Colin Irving) re: interveners's factum to be accepted in its present form, no marginal numbers | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1994-10-21 | Réponse à requête diverse, (Coté & Ouellet) re: motion to accept the interveners's factum in its present form, without marginal numbers | Procureur général du Canada |
1994-10-21 | Affidavit, of Richard B. Swan (to accept the interveners's factum in its present form, without marginal numbers) | Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada |
1994-10-21 | Avis de requête diverse, (to accept the interveners's factum in its present form, without marginal numbers) | Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada |
1994-10-14 | Affidavit, of Gregory Bordan (JOINT REPLY FACTUM WITH 23490), with service | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1994-10-14 | Affidavit, of Georges Thibaudeau (JOINT REPLY FACTUM WITH 23490), with service | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1994-10-14 | Requête pour déposer un mémoire en réplique sur appel, (JOINT REPLY FACTUM WITH 23490), with service | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1994-09-30 | Mémoire de l'intervenant(e), 24 copies, with service | Procureur général de l'Ontario |
1994-09-30 | Mémoire de l'intervenant(e), 26 copies (Joint) (motion requested - no marginal lining), with service | Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada |
1994-09-23 | Avis de retrait, (joint with 23490), with service | Procureur général de Saskatchewan |
1994-09-23 | Avis de retrait, (joint with 23490), with service | Procureur général de la Colombie-Britannique |
1994-09-19 | Avis d'audition, 1 copy (joint with 23490), with service | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1994-09-19 | Preuve de signification, of the A.G. Canada's factum and index (joint with 23490) | |
1994-09-15 | Divers, to note 24 copies of ANNEXES TO FACTUM vol. I to XX (joint with 23490) VOL. XX1 RECEIVED ON NOV. 22 1994 | Procureur général du Canada |
1994-09-15 | Divers, to note 24 copies of INDEX GENERAL (joint with 23490) | Procureur général du Canada |
1994-09-15 | Mémoire de l'intimé(e), 24 copies (joint with 23490) | Procureur général du Canada |
1994-09-12 | Divers, to note a copy of Annexes "A à J" to be added to vol. 1 to 238 filed on March 29/94 | Procureur général du Canada |
1994-08-25 | Ordonnance sur requête pour déposer un mémoire volumineux | |
1994-08-24 | Décision sur requête pour déposer un mémoire volumineux, to file a joint factum of 60 pages, LaF Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens |
1994-08-24 | Audition de requête pour déposer un mémoire volumineux, 1994-08-24, to file a joint factum of 60 pages, LaF | |
1994-08-24 | Présentation de requête pour déposer un mémoire volumineux, 1994-08-24, to file a joint factum of 60 pages, LaF | |
1994-08-23 | Réponse à requête pour déposer un mémoire volumineux, (the appellant consents to A.G. Canada to file a single factum of 60 pages in the 2 appeals) - letter form | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1994-08-18 | Décision sur demande de directives, JC, 1. The orders sought in points 2 and 3 of the Notice of motion dated July 8/94 (respondent's factum be filed by Sept 15/94 and interveners' factums be filed by Sept 30/94). 2. For schedule of hearing see file. 3. With respect to reply factums counsel may reapply to me, if so advised, after the interveners factums have been filed. Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens |
1994-08-18 | Audition de demande de directives, 1994-08-18, JC | |
1994-08-18 | Présentation de demande de directives, 1994-08-18, JC | |
1994-08-17 | Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, of Tanya Lee (by fax) to advise the Court that she is content with 15 minutes to make its own submissions (original received Aug. 24/94) | |
1994-08-17 | Dossier de la cour d'appel, 34 boxes (joint with 23490) | |
1994-08-15 | Preuve de signification, of the motion for a lengthy memorandum of argument | |
1994-08-10 | Affidavit, of 60 pages (of Claude Joyal) | Procureur général du Canada |
1994-08-10 | Requête pour déposer un mémoire volumineux, namely 60 pages | Procureur général du Canada |
1994-08-04 | Appel prêt pour audition, Session commençant le 1994-10-03 | |
1994-08-04 | Ordonnance sur requête diverse, UPON APPLICATION by counsel on behalf of the Interveners, The Canadian Cancer Society, The Canadian Council on Smoking and Health, The Canadian Medical Association, The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada and the Canadian Lung Association, for an Order | |
1994-08-04 | Décision sur requête diverse, to add to the case on appeal (see order), with service, Ia Rejeté(e), aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens |
1994-08-04 | Audition de requête diverse, 1994-08-04, to add to the case on appeal (see order), with service, Ia | |
1994-08-04 | Présentation de requête diverse, 1994-08-04, to add to the case on appeal (see order), with service, Ia | |
1994-07-29 | Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from Robert Cosman (by fax) Re: response to Colin Irving correspondance dated July 27/94 (GIVEN TO JUSTICE IACOBUCCI) (Original filed on August 8/94) | |
1994-07-27 | Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from Colin Irving to A. Roland re: concerning the transcript made of the proceedings before Mr. Justice Major on June 7/94 (GIVEN TO MR. IACOBUCCI ON JULY 25/94) (joint with 23490) | |
1994-07-26 | Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) of Robert W. Cosman (Fasken Campbell) dated July 26/94 to the Registrar to request a copy of the whole transcript of the motion for direction heard before Mr. Justice Major on June 7/94 | |
1994-07-21 | Divers, (by fax) memorandum of argument for the motion returnable July 21/94 | Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada |
1994-07-21 | Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from W.G. Burke-Robertson, Q.C.; re: will not appear on the motion returnable on July 21/94 | |
1994-07-21 | Décision sur requête diverse, by the interveners Canadian Cancer Society et al for leave to add to the case on appeal by filing a "Brandeis Brief". Reporté, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens |
1994-07-21 | Audition de requête diverse, 1994-07-21, by the interveners Canadian Cancer Society et al for leave to add to the case on appeal by filing a "Brandeis Brief". Décision en délibéré |
1994-07-21 | Présentation de requête diverse, 1994-07-21, by the interveners Canadian Cancer Society et al for leave to add to the case on appeal by filing a "Brandeis Brief". Décision en délibéré |
1994-07-15 | Preuve de signification, of motion to add to the Case on Appeal | |
1994-07-15 | Divers, to note 2 copies of vol. I to IV (Schedule A for the miscellaneous motion to add to the Case on Appeal) (joint with 23490) | Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada |
1994-07-15 | Documentation supplémentaire, INDEX (of the Case on Appeal) 21 copies (joint with 23490), with service | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1994-07-14 | Affidavit, granting the right to the interveners to add to the case on appeal; 3 copies; Jacques Cantin, with service | Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada |
1994-07-14 | Avis de requête diverse, granting the right to the interveners to add to the case on appeal; 3 copies, with service | Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada |
1994-07-13 | Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) from Karl Delwaide; re: interveners will be filing a motion to add to the case on appeal | |
1994-07-13 | Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) from James Mabbutt, Q.C.; re: consents to the motion for directions returnable July 14/94 | |
1994-07-11 | Demande de directives, fixing three (3) days for the hearing of the appeal during the month of Dec./94; respondent's factum be filed and served by Sept. 15/94; that interveners' factums be filed and served by Sept. 30/94; that the appellants and respondent be permitted to file | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1994-07-08 | Ordonnance sur demande de directives | |
1994-07-05 | Preuve de signification, of notice of motion to settle the order, with service | |
1994-07-05 | Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) from Burke-Robertson; re: does not intend to participate in the motion on July 7/94; takes the position of the Canadian Cancer Society | |
1994-07-04 | Avis de requête diverse, for an order settling the order of the motion for directions heard on June 7/94; 3 copies | Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada |
1994-07-04 | Divers, transcripts received (55 Pages) (RE: CHAMBER MOTION HELD INTO THE MAIN COURT ROOM ON JUNE 30, 1994 BEFORE MR. JUSTICE MAJOR) | |
1994-06-29 | Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from Colin Irving addressed to Martineau, Walker; re: order makes reference to matters which are not found in the minutes of judgment | |
1994-06-27 | Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) from Karl Delwaide; re: revised draft Order | |
1994-06-27 | Ordonnance sur requête en prorogation de délai, to file case on appeal to June 2/94 | |
1994-06-21 | Réponse à requête en prorogation de délai, to file the case on appeal to June 2nd, 1994 and the appellant's factum to June 7, 1994 - fax copy | Procureur général du Canada |
1994-06-21 | Décision sur requête en prorogation de délai, to file case on appeal to June 2/94 and the appellants factum to June 7/94, with service, Reg Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens |
1994-06-21 | Audition de requête en prorogation de délai, 1994-06-21, to file case on appeal to June 2/94 and the appellants factum to June 7/94, with service, Reg | |
1994-06-21 | Présentation de requête en prorogation de délai, 1994-06-21, to file case on appeal to June 2/94 and the appellants factum to June 7/94, with service, Reg | |
1994-06-15 | Affidavit, to file the case on Appeal to June 2/94 and the appellant's factum to June 7/94; Eduard J. van Bemmel, with service | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1994-06-15 | Requête en prorogation de délai, to file the Case on Appeal to June 2/94 and the appellant's factum to June 7/94, with service | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1994-06-13 | Signification, copy of the APPELLANT'S FACTUM | |
1994-06-07 | Mémoire de l'appelant(e), 24 copies (motion to extend time requested) (Colin Irving retained as counsel by MacKenzie Gervais) | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1994-06-07 | Décision sur demande de directives, motion not to permit intervenors to file supplementary evidentiary material in para. 4, Ma Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens |
1994-06-07 | Audition de demande de directives, 1994-06-07, motion not to permit intervenors to file supplementary evidentiary material in para. 4, Ma | |
1994-06-07 | Présentation de demande de directives, 1994-06-07, motion not to permit intervenors to file supplementary evidentiary material in para. 4, Ma | |
1994-06-06 | Affidavit, of Robert W. Cosman on motion for direction (joint with 23490) | Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada |
1994-06-06 | Affidavit, of Robert W. Cosman in response to the appellant's motion, with service | Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada |
1994-06-02 | Dossier conjoint, 24 copies of vol. I to LXXXII (BUT MISSING: Original of vol. I, II & III, General Index & vol. XX, XXI, XXII & XXXVI) (joint with 23490) | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1994-05-30 | Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from Colin S. Baxter; re: no longer counsel for the interveners, mainly Heart & Stroke Foundation, Canadian Cancer Society, Canadian Council on Smoking and Health and Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada (INTERVENER ON THE STAY ONLY AND NOT ON THE MERIT OF | |
1994-05-25 | Affidavit, Georges Thibaudeau, with service | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1994-05-25 | Demande de directives, 1. fixing a date for the hearing of the appeal; 2. settling the duration of the hearing; 3. settling filing deadlines; 4. determining the right of the interveners; 5. for leave to file a reply factum, with service | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1994-03-29 | Divers, 1 copy of case on appeal filed in the Quebec Court (vols. 1 to 238) (add Annexes "A à J" filed on Sept. 12/94) | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1994-03-09 | Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from Colin Irving; re: correction in the judgment on the stay | |
1994-03-03 | Décision sur requête en sursis d'exécution, RJR - MacDonald Inc. v. Canada (Attorney General), [1994] 1 S.C.R. 311, JC LaF L'HD So G Co McL Ia Ma, La demande de sursis est rejetée avec dépens adjugé à la partie qui aura gain de cause en appel. Rejeté(e), aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens |
1994-02-15 | Divers, (1 copy) (AUTHORITIES OF RJR MACDONALD INC. - GIVEN IN COURT FOR THE MOTION TO INTERVENE (CHAMBER MOTION) - (joint with 23490) | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1994-02-15 | Décision sur requête en autorisation d'intervention, oral argument is limited to 15 minutes., Ma Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens |
1994-02-15 | Audition de requête en autorisation d'intervention, 1994-02-15, oral argument is limited to 15 minutes., Ma | |
1994-02-15 | Présentation de requête en autorisation d'intervention, 1994-02-15, oral argument is limited to 15 minutes., Ma | |
1994-02-14 | Divers, (2 COPIES OF BOOK OF AUTHORITIES ON THE MOTION TO INTERVENE) (JOINT WITH 23490) | Société canadienne du cancer |
1994-02-14 | Divers, (2 COPIES OF INTERVENER'S FACTUM ON MOTION TO INTERVENE - joint with Can. Council on Smoking, Can. Medical Ass., Heart & Stroke Foundation, Can. Lung Ass.) (JOINT WITH 23490) | Société canadienne du cancer |
1994-02-11 | Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, of Claude Joyal to advise the Court that he will be present but will not oppose the application to intervene by the Canadian Cancer Society et al | |
1993-12-13 | Affidavit, 3 copies; Anthony Francis Graham, with service | Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada |
1993-12-13 | Affidavit, 3 copies; Andrew Pipe, with service | Société canadienne du cancer |
1993-12-13 | Affidavit, 3 copies; Jacques Cantin, with service | Société canadienne du cancer |
1993-12-13 | Requête en autorisation d'intervention, 3 copies, with service | Société canadienne du cancer |
1993-12-06 | Avis d'intervention relativement à une question constitutionnelle, With service | Procureur général de Saskatchewan |
1993-12-06 | Avis d'intervention relativement à une question constitutionnelle, With service | Procureur général de la Colombie-Britannique |
1993-12-03 | Avis d'intervention relativement à une question constitutionnelle, With service | Procureur général de l'Ontario |
1993-11-26 | Ordonnance sur requête en dispense d'impression | |
1993-11-26 | Décision sur requête en dispense d'impression, Reg, IT IS ORDERED that one copy of the "Dossier Conjoint" as prepared and filed by the Attorney General of Canada in the Quebec Court of Appeal shall be filed for the use of the Supreme Court of Canada; AND IT IS ORDERED that twenty-four copies of a Case on Appeal containing all the pleadings, the judgment of the Quebec Superior Court, the judgment and reasons for judgment of the Court of Appeal and all of the evidence and exhibits the Appellants intend to rely upon shall be prepared for the use of the Supreme Court of Canada by the Appellants and filed concurrently with the Appellants' factum; AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that twenty-four copies of a Supplementary Case on Appeal containing any additional evidence and exhibits the Respondent intends to rely upon shall be prepared for the use of the Supreme Court of Canada by the Respondent and filed concurrently with the Respondent's factum Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens |
1993-11-26 | Audition de requête en dispense d'impression, 1993-11-26, Reg | |
1993-11-26 | Présentation de requête en dispense d'impression, 1993-11-26, Reg | |
1993-11-23 | Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, (by fax) from Claude Joyal addressed to Colin Irving, Simon Potter and Georges Thibaudeau; re: questions to be clarified | |
1993-11-22 | Affidavit, of the Case on Appeal; Georges R. Thibaudeau | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1993-11-22 | Requête en dispense d'impression, of Case on Appeal | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1993-11-10 | Avis de dépôt du cautionnement, With service | |
1993-11-09 | 500 $ dépôt du cautionnement, direction #2282 | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1993-11-09 | Avis de question(s) constitutionnelle(s), With service | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1993-11-05 | Ordonnance sur requête en formulation de question constitutionnelle | |
1993-11-04 | Décision sur requête en formulation de question constitutionnelle, With service, JC, it ordered that the constitutional questions in both languages together with this order and the judgment of the Court of Appeal of Quebec be served on the Attorneys General of the provinces. Notices of interventions by Dec. 6/93. (for constitutional questions, see file) Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens |
1993-11-04 | Audition de requête en formulation de question constitutionnelle, 1993-11-04, With service, JC | |
1993-11-04 | Présentation de requête en formulation de question constitutionnelle, 1993-11-04, With service, JC | |
1993-11-02 | Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, from Claude Joyal re: modifications proposed on constitutional questions (fax copy) | |
1993-10-27 | Requête en formulation de question constitutionnelle, With service | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1993-10-19 | Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, sent to McMaster, Meighen (Montréal, QC) c.c. E. Van Bemmel, enclosing Rule 32 | |
1993-10-19 | Correspondance (envoyée par la Cour) à, sent to Ministère de la Justice (Montréal, QC) c.c. Me J.C. Marcotte, enclosing Rule 32 | |
1993-10-18 | Ordonnance accordant l'autorisation d'appeler | |
1993-10-14 | Avis d'appel, With service | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1993-10-14 | Jugement de la Cour sur demande d'autorisation d'appel, L'HD So G, La demande d'autorisation d'appel est accordée. Accordée, aucune ordonnance relative aux dépens |
1993-10-14 | Audition de la demande d'autorisation d'appel, 1993-10-14, L'HD So G | |
1993-10-14 | Envoi aux juges des documents de la demande d'autorisation, 1993-10-14, L'HD So G | |
1993-10-14 | Avis de dépôt de jugement envoyé à toutes les parties, Attorney General of Canada (Ottawa, ON) | |
1993-10-14 | Avis de dépôt de jugement envoyé à toutes les parties, Gowling, Strathy & Henderson (Ottawa, ON) | |
1993-10-08 | Divers, transcripts received and distributed to the judges (95 pages - joint with 23490) | |
1993-10-04 | Audition de requête en sursis d'exécution, 1993-10-04, JC LaF L'HD So G Co McL Ia Ma Décision en délibéré |
1993-10-04 | Présentation de requête en sursis d'exécution, 1993-10-04, JC LaF L'HD So G Co McL Ia Ma Décision en délibéré |
1993-10-04 | Divers, to note 10 copies of the judgment in "Tye-Sil v. Diversified Products" given in Court | Procureur général du Canada |
1993-10-04 | Divers, to note 10 copies of EXAMINATION given in Court | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1993-10-04 | Divers, INTERVENERS' FACTUM 10 copies given in Court | Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada |
1993-10-04 | Autres documents sur la requête pour un sursis à l'exécution, 10 COPIES (BOOK OF EVIDENCE - CROSS-EXAMINATION OF DR. GRAHAM) (JOINT WITH 23490) | |
1993-10-01 | Autres documents sur la requête pour un sursis à l'exécution, 10 copies of APPLICANTS' JOINT BOOK OF AUTHORITIES (Joint with 23490) | |
1993-09-29 | Affidavit, to abridge time for bringing the motion for leave to intervene for the stay (of Dr. Anthony Francis Graham) (joint with I02, I03, I04) (joint with 23490), with service | Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada |
1993-09-29 | Affidavit, for the stay (of Dr. Anthony Francis Graham) (joint with I02, I03, I04) (joint with 23490), with service | Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada |
1993-09-29 | Requête en autorisation d'intervention, for the stay (joint with I02, I03, I04) (joint with 23490) (REFERRED TO THE COURT FOR OCT. 4/93 and GRANTED THAT DAY - SEE FIRST PAGE OF TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS), with service | Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada |
1993-09-29 | Avis de requête diverse, to abridge the time for bringing the motion for leave to intervene for the stay (joint with I02, I03, I04) (joint with 23490) (REFERED TO THE COURT FOR OCT. 4/93), with service | Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada |
1993-09-28 | Preuve de signification, of Nathalie Paquette of the respondent's response | |
1993-09-24 | Autres documents sur la requête pour un sursis à l'exécution, 10 copies of (ANNEXES - JOINT WITH 23490) | |
1993-09-24 | Autres documents sur la requête pour un sursis à l'exécution, 10 copies OF THE RESPONDENT'S RESPONSE | |
1993-09-20 | Requête en sursis d'exécution, 10 copies, with service | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1993-09-20 | Requête en sursis d'exécution, 10 copies, with service | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1993-05-18 | Correspondance provenant de, from McMcaster, Meighen; re: enclosed a judgment of R. v. Squires sent to L'HD So G, May 18/93 | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1993-05-05 | Divers, to note 5 copies of a U.S.A. Supreme Court judgment in "Edenfield v. Fane" sent to L'HD So G, May 7/93 | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1993-04-21 | Envoi aux juges des documents de la demande d'autorisation, L'HD So G | |
1993-04-08 | Preuve de signification, of the respondent's response (admitted on March 30, 1993 | |
1993-04-07 | Réplique du demandeur au mémoire de l'intimé(e), 5 copies, with service | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1993-04-01 | Preuve de signification, of response | |
1993-03-31 | Réponse de l'intimé(e) à demande d'autorisation d'appel, 5 copies | Procureur général du Canada |
1993-03-12 | 30 $ frais de dépôt, #26754 | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
1993-03-11 | Demande d'autorisation d'appel, 5 copies of vol. 1 to 3 (TO BE SENT WITH 23490), with service, complété le : 1993-03-11 | RJR - MacDonald Inc. |
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