

Boiron Canada inc. c. Adanna Charles

(Québec) (Civile) (Autorisation)




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Civil procedure – Class action – Criteria for authorizing class action – Approach to be taken by authorizing judge, in exercising discretion to determine whether facts alleged justify conclusions sought, in order to reject insufficient or contradictory allegations without addressing merits of case, and extent to which Court of Appeal can interfere with exercise of that discretion – How authorizing judge, in exercising discretion to determine whether facts alleged justify conclusions sought, can refuse authorization on basis of principle of proportionality – Code of Civil Procedure, CQLR c. C 25, art. 1003 (repealed).

The respondent Adanna Charles is a Quebec consumer. In the winter of 2011, when she and her five year old son had flu symptoms, she purchased two homeopathic products marketed by the applicant Boiron Canada Inc., Oscillococcinum and Children’s Oscillococcinum. Those products had been approved by Health Canada and, according to their labelling, were homeopathic medicines for relieving the effects of the flu, such as fever, chills and body aches. The respondent alleged that, even though she had used the recommended dose of the product, there had been no noticeable effect on her ailments. As a result, she brought legal proceedings against Boiron Canada Inc. seeking authorization to institute a class action and asking to be ascribed the status of representative.

Décisions des juridictions inférieures

Le 19 janvier 2015
Cour supérieure du Québec

2015 QCCS 312, 500-06-000609-129
Demande d’autorisation amendée afin d’exercer un recours collectif et de se voir attribuer le statut de représentant aux fins d’exercer le recours collectif rejetée.
Le 26 octobre 2016
Cour d’appel du Québec (Montréal)

2016 QCCA 1716, 500-09-025047-150
Appel accueilli. Autorisation d’exercer un recours collectif accordée.