

Satnam Singh v. Minister of Employment and Immigration

(Federal) (Civil) (By Leave)

Judgments on applications for leave to appeal are rendered by the Court, but are not necessarily unanimous.

Date Proceeding Filed By
(if applicable)
1991-11-08 Appeal closed
1986-04-29 Formal judgment sent to the registrar of the court of appeal and all parties, (Ottawa, ON) by hand
1985-04-04 Judgment on the appeal rendered, (for further particulars, see file #18209), CJ R B E McI La W
Allowed, costs on a solicitor client basis
1985-02-19 General proceeding, served copy of Appellant's written submissions, with service Satnam Singh
1985-02-12 General proceeding, to note 21 copies of Appellant's reply, with service Satnam Singh
1985-02-05 General proceeding, to note 21 copies of Intervenor's submissions (Canadian Bill of Rights) Federation of Canadian Sikh Societies
1985-02-01 General proceeding, to note 20 copies of Respondent's factum Minister of Employment and Immigration
1985-01-16 General proceeding, to note 21 copies of Appellant's written submissions Satnam Singh
1984-04-30 Hearing of the appeal, 1984-04-30, CJ R B E McI La W
Decision reserved
1984-04-30 Book of authorities, 9 copies Federation of Canadian Sikh Societies
1984-04-27 Book of authorities, 21 copies Canadian Council of Churches
1984-04-26 Appeal court record
1984-04-26 Trial court record
1984-04-26 Certified casebook, With service Satnam Singh
1984-04-25 Appellant's factum, 20 copies Satnam Singh
1984-04-19 General proceeding, to note 10 copies of Immigration Act, 1976 Minister of Employment and Immigration
1984-04-19 Book of authorities, 10 copies Minister of Employment and Immigration
1984-04-10 Respondent's factum, 19 copies Minister of Employment and Immigration
1984-04-09 Appeal hearing scheduled, 1984-04-30
Decision reserved
1984-04-09 Appeal perfected for hearing, Session beginning on 1984-04-24
1984-04-06 Book of authorities, 10 copies Satnam Singh
1984-04-04 Agreement as to contents of case Minister of Employment and Immigration
1984-03-28 Case on appeal, 20 copies Satnam Singh
1984-03-15 Order granting leave to appeal
1984-03-14 Notice of appeal, With service Satnam Singh
1984-02-17 Close file on Leave
1984-02-16 Judgment of the Court on the application for leave to appeal, E McI W, The application for leave to appeal is granted. Counsel shall be appointed by the Court to represent the Appellants, pursuant to Rule 13 of the rules of the Supreme Court of Canada, whose costs shall be paid in any event by the Attorney general of Canada on a solicitor client basis.
Granted, costs on a solicitor client basis
1984-01-24 Hearing of the application for leave to appeal, 1984-01-24, E McI W
Decision reserved
1984-01-24 All materials on application for leave submitted to the Judges, 1984-01-24, E McI W
Decision reserved
1983-09-29 Application for leave to appeal, 5 copies, with service 5 copies, Completed on: 1983-12-30 Satnam Singh
1983-09-19 Notice of application for leave to appeal, (supplemental submission) Satnam Singh
1983-09-14 Notice of application for leave to appeal Satnam Singh