Factums on Appeal
Attorney General of Ontario v. Attorney General of Canada
(Ontario) (Civil) (As of Right)
Related Links
The factums of the appellant, the respondent and the intervener will be posted here at least two weeks before the hearing unless they contain personal information, information that is subject to a publication ban, or any other information that is not part of the public record. You may also obtain copies of factums by filling out the Request for Court Records form or by contacting the Court's Records Centre either by email at records-dossiers@scc-csc.ca or by telephone at 613‑996‑7933 or at 1-888-551-1185.
If you have questions about a factum or want permission to use a factum, please contact the author of the factum directly. His or her contact information appears on the first page of each factum.
- Appellant Attorney-General-of-Ontario.pdf
- Respondent Attorney-General-of-Canada.pdf
- Intervener Attorney-General-for-Saskatchewan.PDF
- Intervenant Procureure-Générale-Québec.pdf
- Intervener Climate-Justice-Saskatoon-et-al.pdf
- Intervener Oceans-North-Conservation-Society.pdf
- Intervener David-Suzuki-Foundation.pdf
- Intervener Athabasca-Chipewyan-First-Nation.pdf
- Intervener International-Emissions-Trading-Association.pdf
- Intervener Anishinabek-Nation-and-United-Chiefs-and-Councils-of-Mnidoo-Mnising.pdf
- Intervener Attorney-General-of-British-Columbia.pdf
- Intervener Attorney-General-of-New-Brunswick.PDF
- Intervener Saskatchewan-Power-Corporation-and-Saskenergy-Incorporated.PDF
- Intervener Amnesty-International-Canada.pdf
- Intervener City-of-Richmond-et-al.pdf
- Intervener Attorney-General-of-Alberta.pdf
- Intervener Intergenerational-Climate-Coalition.pdf
- Intervener Assembly-of-Manitoba-Chiefs.pdf
- Intervener Smart-Prosperity-Institute.pdf
- Intervenants Le-centre-Québécois-du-droit-de-l'environnement-et-équiterre.pdf
- Intervener Canadian-Taxpayers-Federation.pdf
- Intervener National-Association-of-Women-and-the-Law-and-Friends-of-the-Earth.pdf
- Intervener Assembly-of-First-Nations.pdf
- Intervener Attorney-General-of-Manitoba.PDF
- Intervener Canadian-Labour-Congress.pdf
- Intervener Canada's-Ecofiscal-Commission.pdf
- Intervener Canadian-Public-Health-Association.pdf
- Intervener Progress-Alberta-Communications-Limited.pdf
- Intervener Canadian-Environmental-Law-Association-et-al..pdf
- Appellant Attorney-General-of-Ontario Reply.pdf
- Respondent Attorney-General-of-Canada Reply.pdf
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