

Marine Services International Limited, et al. v. Estate of Joseph Ryan, by its Administratrix, Yvonne Ryan, et al.

(Newfoundland & Labrador) (Civil) (By Leave)

Main Parties
Name Role Status
Marine Services International Limited Appellant Active
Porter, David Appellant Active
Estate of Joseph Ryan, by its Administratrix, Yvonne Ryan Respondent Active
Yvonne Ryan, in her own right, Stephen Ryan, a Minor, by his Guardian ad litem, Yvonne Ryan , Jennifer Ryan, a Minor, by her Guardian ad litem, Yvonne Ryan Respondent Active
Estate of David Ryan, by its Administratrix , Marilyn Ryan, Marilyn Ryan, in her own right, David Michael Ryan, a Minor, by his Guardian ad litem, Marilyn Ryan Respondent Active
J and Y Fisheries Inc. and D and M Fisheries Inc., bodies corporate, trading and operating as Ryan's Fisheries Partnership Respondent Active
Universal Marine Limited Respondent Active
Attorney General of Canada Respondent Active
Other Parties
Attorney General of Ontario Intervener Active
Attorney General of Nova Scotia Intervener Active
Attorney General of British Columbia Intervener Active
Attorney General of Newfoundland and Labrador Intervener Active
Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission Intervener Active
Workers' Compensation Board of British Columbia Intervener Active

Please note that in the case of closed files, the “Status” column in this table reflects the status of the parties at the time of the proceedings. For more information about the proceedings and about the dates when the file was open, please consult the docket of the case in question.