Remote Hearings

In light of COVID-19, the Supreme Court of Canada heard the following appeals by video-conference:

Date of Hearing Name and Case Number
2020-06-09 Owners, Strata Plan LMS 3905 v. Crystal Square Parking Corporation (B.C.) (Civil) (By Leave) (38741)
Judgment reserved | Webcast of hearing
2020-06-10 Her Majesty the Queen v. Sivaloganathan Thanabalasingham (Que.) (Criminal) (As of Right) (37984)
Judgment reserved | Webcast of hearing
2020-06-11 Cheung Wai Wallace Li v. Her Majesty the Queen (B.C.) (Criminal) (As of Right) (38903)
Appeal dismissed | Webcast of hearing
2020-06-12 Haben Abrham Weldekidan v. Her Majesty the Queen (Man.) (Criminal) (By Leave) (38984)
(Oral hearing on leave application)
Application to appeal dismissed | Webcast of hearing

Zoom was selected as the platform for the hearings. As per usual practice, the hearings were livestreamed on the Court’s Website.

Opening Remarks

On June 9, Chief Justice Richard Wagner delivered his opening remarks from the first-ever fully virtual hearing of the Supreme Court of Canada: